Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Firefighter for a day

Charity events are a great place to buy experiences and at the Paul Rushforth golf tournament there was a package to hang out at a station for a day and since it went to a great cause (D.I.F.D), how could you go wrong? Instead of hogging all the fun for myself I asked my kids to come along and play firefighter with Dad. Our guide Jimmy Fata explained about the importance of doing a family emergency plan which only takes a few minutes and I wonder how many of you reading this have done it (we hadn't until now) plus it could save a life. You don't have to do it at 2am, but just go through what to do in case something happens, and have a plan B ready. 

The tour consisted of going up in the bucket, putting out a simulated fire, sitting in the trucks, Dad putting on the gear and going into a smoke filled training building (new appreciation, that gear is heavy!) and having lunch with the crew. Thanks to Jimmy, Malcolm and the amazing team at Ottawa Fire station 36 for being very accommodating on a day when it felt plus 40!