Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Thanks to for the interview. FYI - It's almost as long as Avatar.

If you're seeing this on my Facebook page, click on "view original post"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Saying thanks to Mr.Ottawa...

After 37 years at CJOH (CTVOttawa), this won't be Max Keeping's best memory, but the man that changed many lives in Ottawa, sure changed mine.

(2006, Max reports Stu leaves the Bear for Team 1200)

This Friday, Max passes the torch to veteran journalist Graham Richardson who joins Carol Anne Meehan. Now while Max leaves the desk, he'll stay on as a community ambassador for CTV, which is great news for the countless charities he supports.

Everyone has a Max Keeping story.

Those that worked closely with him at CJOH will have better ones to tell than mine, but if it wasn't for Max, I likely would have never had the chance to live out one of my dreams. Growing up I watched the news every night and always wanted to work in radio and TV. When I was on Merivale road at The Bear, we would often have Max on our show promoting his annual bowl-a-thon or anything CHEO related. One morning I asked if I could ever come in and work in TV. A few years later after numerous telethon appearances, I got my chance to work at CJOH as a fill in weather host. I knew Max was involved in that decision and was grateful. As I learned the ropes of what it's like in a newsroom environment, a compliment from Max at the end of a newscast meant the world to me, even though I knew it may not have been my best performance.

While he won't be apart of our supper time ritual anymore, he will always be apart of the way stories were told to a generation.

Max....Thank you,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wine wine wine and Leaf nation...

Since introducing my own wine for charity last November at the wine & food show, I've answered lots of questions so it's time for a FAQ page:

1. Why did you do it?

I've always wanted to host my own golf tournament or gala but there's enough of them and I wanted to try something different.

2. How much does the Sens foundation get?

The Sens foundation gets $2 from every bottle. We have 2000 bottles, and even my grade 1 math can figure out that equals a $4,000 donation.

3. How much do you get, are the Sens paying you to do this?

Nothing, and no. I have kids and see how hard the Sens foundation works for various organizations. I've toured Rogers House several times and as a parent, it's the last place you ever want to be but thankful if you need it.

4. Did you make this wine in your basement?

No! I've partnered up with Huff Estates in Prince Edward County and they produce the "Stuntman Stu Red Line Merlot" along with many other fine wines.

5. Where can I get the wine?

Go to and click on the left hand side where you see the wine bottle. It's one click and the wine is delivered to your home or office in 3 days.

6. Why can't I get it at the LCBO?

Without getting too technical, there's many costs behind the scenes and it would be much more than the 19.95 you're paying now.

7. When is the White coming out?

It's in the plans but nothing just yet. We're open to all kinds of feedback.

8. Can I order it with dinner at a restaurant?

Yes, the list is still growing and you can see which restaurants are involved on my blog, just below the wine tab.

Thanks to everyone who has supported this project so far. The next time you're hosting a dinner party or trying to come up with a cool gift idea for a wine lover on your list, give my wine a try and help support the Sens foundation at the same time.

We've even had some Leaf fans buy some bottles too...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Biggest moment in Canadian TV....

Team Canada's Gold medal win on February 28th is now the biggest moment in Canadian TV history, here's my view of the celebration:

if you're seeing this on my Facebook page, click on "view original post".

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't look down....

Bucket list #145 "Learn how to ski"

After a conversation on our radio show back in January, I revealed to Sandy Sharkey that while I've played hockey my entire life, I've never been on ski's. Enter Super Dave, an instructor at Camp Fortune in Chelsea, Quebec who called to offer a lesson. Sandy, who's been on ski's before thought a lesson from a pro couldn't hurt, agreed to keep me company. I Show up today thinking we would try on some ski's, go on the bunny hill and call it a day. Dave's suggestion was wear a helmet and I'll teach you how to ski. I've had golf instructors quit on me because I don't do so well in the hand/eye co-ordination department. I told Super Dave (who by the way, answers his cell "Super Dave here...") to explain how to stop and pretend you're explaining it to a 4 year old. He offers a food analogy who showed me how to stop by making a pizza with my ski's and the next thing I know were on the top of the mountain (ok, it seemed like the peak to me) and after the first run I was good to go a few more times. Dave's assessment after today was 8 and a half out of 10 for this beginner (which was probably more like a 4) but the point is, if you want to try something in life, do it. This way when you're 85 you can lie to your grandkids and say you did the double black diamond on a nice day in March way back in 2010.

(person in photo is not Stuntman Stu, but a slightly more experienced skier)

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'll have Gold pint please...

The celebs were out in full force for the Gold medal game, including Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn. He was taunting the crowd during Friday's semifinal and prior to Sunday's game I asked if he would autograph my "Hockey is Canada's Game" sign. He said "C'mon know I can't do that, I'll get in trouble.." So, I offered option B. Pose for a photo with me or I call in the RCMP. He smiled, gave me the OK and I put my blackberry camera into motion. I tried to get him to sign it after the game, but decided I didn't need an ass kicking from an A list star.

Bryan Adams was 2 boxes over and was kind enough to pose and sign. Late in the 3d period I was waving the sign and he motioned to me to hold it up so he could take a picture on his blackberry. Here I'm thinking, how cool is this, Bryan Adams is taking a photo of my sign that he signed...

Mr. Adams is likely looking at his phone today thinking, "Why did I take a photo of this guy?"


While Team Canada captain Scott Neidemayer was skating with the flag I kept thinking this is too good to be true. The perfect ending to a typical Canadian hockey story. Many of you reading this grew up hearing about Paul Henderson's goal in 72. On Sunday Feb 28th 2010, a new page was written where years from now you'll be able to say where you were when you saw it.

I was in the rink, surrounded by USA fans. How sweet it is.

After the game we sat in a bar still amazed from what we saw. Congrats to all the Canadian athletes who made the journey to Vancouver. Regardless of how you finished, you made the country proud.

Paralympics start next week, I'll be back to work those as a PA announcer for men's sledge hockey.

No pressure boys...but let's see if we can go 3 for 3 in hockey.